so i've started a blog.
i registered a "dobi" account at when the service launched years ago and just let it hibernate, i recently found out the login still exists so i decided to do something with it. since i post updates on every few months i felt like this would be a good idea to keep everyone updated with what i'm working on, when new merch is available, photos that don't make it onto and whatever else i feel like blabbering about.
so here goes...
i recently did an illustration of fall out boy for chord's warped tour issue, and i'm getting all the guys in fob to sign it. i will soon have the original autographed b/w illustration up on ebay with the profits going to the syrentha savio endowment.
a wilhelm scream's new album "ruiner" is now in stores and features what i consider my favorite layout i've done yet. i'm really happy to be associated with this record as it is one of my favorite released this year. i've been seeing aws live since their old smackin' isaiah days and the growth this band has gone through is absolutely ridiculous.
the new full color issue of wonkavision magazine has a pictorial on my photography of ruins, my girlfriend maggie assisted me in writing it since i'm such a terrible writer. wonkavision is a great magazine and could easily give alternative press a run for it's money so be sure to check it out. the connecticut post will also be running a feature on my photos in their arts section very soon.
speaking of ruins, i'm sad to report that ninjalicious of passed away this week, i never got a chance to meet ninj but the few times we corresponded through email he always seemed like a stand up guy. his dedication to urban exploration inspired thousands and he was a true pioneer, he will be missed.
fullbleed is having an insane month, and shirts simply won't stay in stock. i'm not sure if it is due to back to school, or the ad i placed in alternative press, but thanks for the support everyone. i'm printing a few track jackets this week with the help of eric and jess at mammothprintshop who always do a fantastic job. a select amount of shirts are now being tested in a few select markets in hot topic as well. say what you will about the store, but so long as the integrity of my designs aren't compromised, i'm happy. hey, i might even prevent a kid from buying a "vote for pedro" shirt.
oh yeah, "funny like a funeral" is taken from the jawbreaker song "jet black" off of their record "dear you" which is my favorite release of all time.
take care.
if you read this blog a hundred times it still won't be enough
I can't even imagine how much that illustration will go for on Ebay. Way more than I have.
Yeah, I haven't been to fullbleed in a long time & been able to order a shirt that was in stock in my size. I always have to wait until I get money, & by then they're usually gone.
They're going fast. But it's better than hardly any selling =]
I'll get one eventually I'm sure.
holler at jawbreakers dear you being one the best albums ever released.
jawbreaker is only a reason for life, rob.
i have been looking at all your illustration & urban exploration since day one. hopefully i will see some long awaited updates on ue on here. by the way, if you wouldn't mine dropping a line with some criticism. believe me, i don't want to be another teeny bopper fan on myspace. i noticed you have an C8080, what other equipment do you use, i've had that camera for awhile too & was curious. take care.
When can we expect more American Apparel, get ahold of me: AIM - redelivered
Kick fucking ass. You and your bro (the ugly one -dan-) seem to be doing real well, keep up the good work!
-Dave from Keene
vote for pedro... haha
at least we share a favorite album. anything Blake Schwartzenbach touches turns to gold. Are you a Jets to Brazil Fan as well?
congrats on the fullbleed line's distabution. That's pretty exciting news. Is there going to be a new fullbleed line soon?
indegar please
check out my podcast sometime
so fall out boy all has things jamming on there ass? kinda honosexual the thorn one is the win since you dont know where its coming form.
lol i just noticed the clandegay shirt on pete in that picture. that's good stuff..
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