i relaunched newenglandruins.com, there are quite a few new galleries (morrison and riverside being my favorite) so go spend some time there.
once a year i buy a new digital camera so on a whim i purchased a nikon d70s w/ the nikkor 18-70mm kit lens, i'm really loving the camera and just having fun shooting whatever i can, the transition from a prosumer camera to a dSLR is such a jump and there is no way i could go back. i'll still keep my olympus 8080 around as i got some beautiful shots out of it over the past six months but for now i'm going to rock the nikon.
i'm itching to buy lenses for this thing, been leaning towards the 20mm f/2.8D AF Nikkor or the 60mm f/2.8D AF Micro-Nikkor, if anyone has any experience with these please let me know, i'm not really looking to spend any more than $400 per lens.
also, i'm new to this whole blogging thing, does anyone know why blogger greatly reduces the quality of jpgs? this image compression is killing me! i want to post some photos for christ's sake!
if you read this blog a hundred times it still won't be enough
nikon lenses all the way.
sigma is a good alternative.
I just bought a Sigma f/4 70-300mm telephoto and it's amazing. It's super fast and the depth of field is incredible.
- nicole rork
i have a nikon 24-85 f/2.8D AF for my d70 and its been good. im thinkin of getting rid of it, ive only used it for my band photos
-shane hennessey
i sudjest takeing a look at Tamron lenses... thoes are what i have for my D70 and i enjoy them so
congrats on joining the d70 crew :) i've been using a 17-55 nikkor f/2.8 since march, and i cant live without it, nikkor all the way.
You're better off using a place like http://imageshack.us/ to host your pictures...
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