when i was 15 i was listening to social distortion, jawbreaker, hum and bad religion, how did i go downhill so fast?
anyway, anyone who knows me is aware that i find jawbreaker's "dear you" to be the most incredible album ever made. the staying power is of these thirteen tracks are unreal and i still find myself listening to it almost every week for the past ten years. would anyone be interested if i were to design one shirt inspired by every song on the album and sell a limited edition of each?
if you read this blog a hundred times it still won't be enough
very very interested would be my attitude...
fuck YES .. DO IT!
Sounds like a very cool idea, go for it. I'd like to see how it turns out.
do it...yess
don't do it. these kids say "omg yes do it!!!" but how many people do you think would actually buy jawbreaker shirts? i don't think it's realistic at all.
i would definitely buy it... but i agree with the comment above! "how many people would actually buy a jawbreaker shirts?"... probably just us 'older folks' (20+)!
well i think w/e you make is an awesome shirt design, so go for it. i know it will turn out awesome.
It would be an interesting concept. I'd do it, and even if you don't make a run of shirts, you could make a limited run of posters or prints or something.
Do it for thursday. Full Collapse. But War All the Time has much more potential for artistic interpretation.
at first i thought, "i'd get one for jet black, accident prone... sluttering... chemistry... save your gene.. aw, fuck just do it all."
it wont be a "jawbreaker" shirt..its a shirt with ROB's interpretation of the song in a visual format. 15 year olds wont know what the hell they are buying. i say do it..awesome idea.
I'd be interested.
I'm definitely for it. I'm 17, (not older, as they say) and I would love it. Jawbreaker is my favorite band. I read someone saying that it wasn't a realistic idea, but I think doing them as a limited run would get you more than enough buys to ship all of your stock and still have some people lingering to buy the 'normal' stuff.
Some songs have fairly easily approachable imagery to make shirts, posters, whatever out of. 'Accident Prone'- Well, he's in a hospital bed, I think that's fairly self-explanatory. I can't think of a very good image for 'Jet Black' although it will come to me in time. I'll try to think of an idea or two for each track in the next few days. One song that would be fun and fairly not-so full of thought would be to do 'Into You Like a Train'. That kind of defeats the purpose of doing the run of shirts from the 'Dear You' album, as it is not actually on the original 13-track release (it is if you count the Blackball Records reissue, but let's not get into semantics...). Even if the idea flounders, it's fun to think about...
Kudos on the site and fullbleed. I hope the knees are feeling better.
P.S.- I dig the 'Sluttering' reference on the header.
thats in my top 3 albums of all time. People bag on it and say they like 24 Hour Revenge Therapy better but they dont know shit
oh and the shirts based on each track would be phenominal
since this is also my favorite album of all time, i would be very interested.
in my top 5 favorite records ever. i'd definitely be into a shirt, poster, or print.
Go for it. Or put all the song concepts on a single shirt and have it represent the song "Shirt."
do it. at this point you could shit on a shirt and write fullbleed and kids would still buy it. but seriously, everyone needs a little jawbreaker in their life, even if they're unaware of it.
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