my girlfriend maggie and i drove up to bridgeport CT to hang out with fall out boy and check out the backdrops i did for their arena tour. the event took place at harbor yard which is normally home to events such as the WWE and will soon host sesame street live as well as michael bolton: a tribute on ice. needless to say this place was fucking huge and the girl to guy ratio was something like 10:1. onto the photos!
we got bored waiting for things to start so we told girls with homemade FOB shirts that pete wanted us to photograph them for the website. maggie was able to snap some girl with a pocket tee that said "i wanna dance dance with pete wentz" with a nautical star over the pocket.
fall out boy glow sticks, yes!
october fall's set was a total snoozefest and they had quite the potty mouths. is it appropriate for a band to say "this song is about the girls who like to get fucked and the guys who like to lay em down" in front of 10,000 14 year old and their parents?
hawthorne heights made the audience do this, i chuckled. wasn't this originally something done in a cell phone commercial as a joke?
empty. no surprises here.
fall out boy's roadie, dirty, got powerbombed off the 2nd stage through a table by their security guard charlie. ok.
"honey i just don't think i like this pete wentz character"
probably the only time in my life where a drawing of mine will be 30 x 40 ft with explosions going off in front of it. awesome.
if you read this blog a hundred times it still won't be enough
haha nice
who's dick do i have to suck to get an rss feed up in HUR!!!
i don't even know how rss shit works! someone tell me and i'll hook it up!
i hate when stupid punk bands who know full well they're being supported by legions of 14 year olds decide that the way to truly be punk rock is to swear their brains out during an arena tour where Sesame Street and Michael Bolton on ice are normally performed.
That's so fucking bad ass, I'm glad they stuck to their roots.
Rob, the picture of that father standing with his arms at his sides with that mustache is classic. If that girl next to him is a mother, she's not bad. she looks like she likes to get fucked.
i laughed a lot at the captions.
last picture is precious.
People who are afraid of swear words are overrated.
Rob Dobi > Pete Wentz.
Stop slumming it, Rob!
that is amazing. congrats man!
you have officially transcended into rock stardom....
my favorite part is how all the pictures are link to the first girl hahahah...
oh man hahahaha...too good...
accident or not...too good...
oh should make wallpapers of the backdrops...
Now that's something you can tell your grandkids you did when you turn old and senile.
I went to the show in MD. Your backdrops looked amazing. :) October Fall's set was pretty boring compared to the others. And considering the age group, some of the things they said were completely queer. What do 13 year olds know about getting layed down? Honestly now. Anyways, just wanted to compliment you on your backdrops. They really did look awesome.
i hope you're making mad bank doing illustrations for shitty bands. exploit them, until you're filthy fucking rich.
ps. nice jawbreaker reference? (how many times have you heard THAT?)
why do you do work for bands if you don't even like their music?
even though hawthone heights does suck....almost every band, no matter what genre, does the whole cell phone in the air thing now, because not too many people carry lighters...but everyone has a cell....and it wasnt started in a commercial...blink182 was the first band to ever come up with the idea and do it at a show, that was on vh1 or mtv once...apparantely you don't get out and go to enough shows
blah blah blah, comment some more.
fall out boy are a guilty pleasure, was i making fun of them? nope. i was poking fun at the spectacle of 4 dudes who are into hardcore music that somehow got thrown in the spotlight and went from playing 50 person shows to arena shows in 2 years.
there are some more blogs below if you want to comment anonymously on those too.
That concert was amazing, I remembered loving the backdrops and wishing I knew where they came from. So somehow I came across that you did them and looked into the rest of your work and was amazed that you shoot alot of photography at pleasure beach, we keep our boat in port niantic and I'm pretty familiar with the area. That's pretty badass.
p.s. i wouldn't be annonymous if I knew my livejournal password (i just left the comment that would have awarded myspace kudos.)
I'm the same ADD/over espresso-ed idiot who left the past two comments, I can't finish a thought to save my life. But it's a bumout that the All-American Rejects only reserved seats for their guests and not floor because Chris Carrabba's kid sister and I had the best homemade iron on tees there.We wanted floor more than life.
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