this grizzled scene veteran often works in the music industry but he cant
stand anything associated with it. he tends to be apathetic toward anything and
everything, with the exception of the recent hot water music reunion or his yearly
excursion to the fest in florida.
he daydreams endlessly about moving to gainesville or richmond where he can participate in
the scene firsthand, but for now he is stuck behind messageboards. this modern day
lumberjack often aims to be "first!" on punknews.org and wishes death upon any
band that seeks financial help after flipping their van.
while his fashion might not be as over-the-top as other scenesters, he's just as
identifiable with his signature scraggly beard, cowboy shirt, jade tree alumni tattoos,
and swamp-like smell.
bitter and beaten, his days of stage dives and high fives are long since over. the orgcore
punker is left drowning his sorrows over chuck ragan singles and a case of pbr. recently,
after being dumped, his sense of apathy reached a new high; he announced to his ex that he
was going to get a sandwich.<<
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dillinger four
american steel
none more black
the loved ones
the falcon

no idea
the fest |