he's the last of a dying breed. the prehistoric emo only
emerges from the depths of his studio apartment when his favorite bands reunite for one
last show- and even then, he shows no sign of enthusiasm whatsoever.once an avid fan of the underground
emo scene, he now cringes at the sight of today's batch of kids. he avoids mainstream
media altogether, would rather listen to npr than podcasts and has no idea why anyone
would panic at a disco. his favorite thrift stores are now raided by trend-hopping
teens, making him resort to wearing the same vintage tees he has had for years.
he cries when he listens to
pinkerton and spends days at a time organizing his vinyl collection. he refuses to
join the kids on the current social networking sites as he finds them repulsive, yet seems
to forget about the long since abandoned makeoutclub account he made years ago.
his casual-yet-somewhat
dorky look has become the mainstream, and he is no longer identified as the emo king he
once was. tear.
<< back to scenesters


the jazz june
the promise ring
sunny day real estate
texas is the reason
