armed with his boots and braces, this working-class hero is ready for a
fight after a long night of sing alongs and pbr with his friends fred perry and ben
your average skin has the spirit of 69 front to back multiple times and
can recite any line from romper stomper word for word without missing a beat,
yet cant seem to remember why he has a black eye from the night before or who the
byrd in his bed is.
unbeknownst to most, not all skinheads are racist, but all of them happen to own the
entire skrewdriver discography, s.h.a.r.ps included. theyll tell you they like them
only for the music. most find this excuse hard to believe since there
hasnt been a single oi record released that doesnt sound like it was recorded
anywhere but a toilet.
inevitably all skins begin to save up their hard earned money to convert their wardrobe
over to all of the latest rockabilly gear as part of his skinhead retirement plan. be sure
to ditch that #1 crop trimmer for some pomade, that pompadour is going to need some work!
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agnostic front
the business
the bruisers
combat 84

of 69
tko records