the skramz subculture was thought to be created out of revolt of modern
corny bands such as a skylit drive, from first to last and alesana, but that couldnt
be any further from the truth. as it turns out, it was just a new name substituted for an
existing musical genre that already existed in screamo, but the skramz kids
were in the fourth grade during its heyday.
still playing catch up, the skramz revivalist spends hours perusing the old cmhwak board
via archive.org to try and immerse himself in the once thriving post hardcore scene.
unable to access this so called skylab that so many posters seem to mention, the
revivalist has no other choice than to bootleg tees of defunct bands via cafepress to try
and impress other skramz purists. after studying photos of billy werner from various
angles, his tattoo sleeves look just right and would fit in at any level plane records
basement show circa 2001.
unfortunately all of his favorite bands are either long since broken up or french. luckily
the language barrier isnt a big issue since the vocals usually sound like a
strangled muppet having an anxiety attack at 120 mph.
the skramz kid is living in the past, but still holds out hope for a new circle takes the
square album as well as duke nukem forever sometime in the near future.
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portraits of past
funeral diner
amanda woodward
jeromes dream
i hate myself

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